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네오메디칼 골드치약(Neo-Medical Gold Toothpaste)


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[판매] 네오메디칼 골드치약(Neo-Medical Gold Toothpaste)

금치약은... 순도99.99%의 금박을과 솔비톨,자일리톨,SMFP,BioSalt 등의 고급원료를 첨가하여 미백효과,세포활성,항염,항균 및 구취제거,잇몸염증,치주질환 예방등 구중청결/정화에 탁월한 효과가 있는 기능성치약입니다. Gold Toothpaste is total solutions for dental problems by sterilizing cariogenic bacterium with anti-plaque ingredient. Gold, everlasting-glittering color, is a bioactive substance that exists in structure and blood of the organisms and an inert metal that conveys electricity and heat. It is good for periodontitis protection by its detoxification effects and excellent for gingivitis by protecting dental mucosa membrane and promoting hematogenous. Further it solves basically all problems of dental diseases by increasing resistibility with immune function control effects. Key Ingredients: Colloid silica, Allantoin, Sorbitol, 99.99% of purity-gold foil substance, herbal aroma, Fluorophosphates (MFP) Benefits: Inhibiting tartar formation, oral cleanness and cleansing, Remove Halitosis, Tooth-Whitening, Anti-Plaque, Protecting dental decay, Preventing Gingivitis/Ulitis/Gingivitis disease, Protecting Caries disease
연락처 정보
회사명 (주)그린원
주소 과천시 과천동 686-1 경기도 427-060 한국
전화번호 82-2-5048181
팩스번호 82-2-5047271
홈페이지 http://green1.kr.ec21.com
연락 한진우
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