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Water Purifiler


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[판매] Water Purifiler

We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with your business extension. We are one of the leading a exporter with various kinds of Korean Healthy Goods & Machinery and Int'l Trade Consulting in Korea. We believe new model illustrated in our Internet HomePage (http://yscorp.kr.ec21.com/) will make other products of the similar type outmoded in your district. After careful study of the products, if you are interested in our Korean Healthy Goods and Machinery, please give us a chance to serve you. You will be able to use it either as gift for promotional purposes or for sales itself. We hope a business relationship between us can be realized before long. For further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Best Regards, D.K Int'l Trade Cousulting
연락처 정보
회사명 D.K 무역컨설팅
주소 부산 남구 우암1동 121-34번지 401호 608-060 한국
전화번호 82-51-6355562
팩스번호 82-51-6355572
홈페이지 http://yscorp.kr.ec21.com
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