신규 상품 정보
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Apples This fruit is tinted bright red on yellow base color. They have a rich sweet flavor, crispy compared with others. Production Areas: Daegu, Yaesan, Chungju, etc. Harvest & Packing Seasons Var, / ...
준 인터내셔널   한국     

Pears This is one of the best items for export Most Korean Pears are big size compared with other western & orintal ones-like"20 centry", Hosui, Ya Pear, Snow Pear anjou, Bartlet. And they have lots of juicy, sugar ...
준 인터내셔널   한국     

Sanolife Vita Herb

Sanolife Vita Herb ...
엑스트림   한국     

사과 농축액 (apple juice concentrate)

사과 농축액 (apple juice concentrate) 뉴질랜드산 사과로 만든 농축액으로 쥬스등의 원료로 쓰입니다. 당도 (brix)는 원하시는 스펙에 맞게 제조 가능합니다. 패키징 ...
JHS International   호주     
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