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모두선택  |  선택해제
SLP (Squid Liver Powder)

SLP (Squid Liver Powder)

SLP has the excellent effect of improving appetite and accelerating growth of fish, shrimps and livestock, catching the public fancy due to its special fragrance. There is no concern for the symptom of abdominal ...
Dongwoo Industrial Co., Ltd   한국     


성분함량 Lactobacillus spp : 1.2 x 106 cfu/g Saccharomvces cerevisiae : 1.2 x 106C Bacillus subtillus : 1.7 x 105cfu/g Rhodopseudomonas palustris : 3.4 x 107cfu/g 효능효과 소화기능개선 / 성장촉진 / ...
(주)패시픽사이언스   한국     

어유(fish oil)

칠레산 사료용 어유(fish oil)판매합니다. 200kg/drum 011-9045-5282 ...
옵티맥스   한국     

어유(fish oil)

칠레산 사료용 어유(fish oil)판매합니다. 200kg /drum 011-9045-5282 ...
옵티맥스   한국     


중국산 유기농 대두박 및 볼리비아산 일반대두박을 공급할 수 있으며 주문 LOI를 주시면 바로 처리 ...
(주)광영   한국     


알팔파 묶음입니다.20~25kg 묶음을 파렛트 쌓아서 처리를 합니다. 40피트 콘테이너에 처리하며. 한팔렛트 600kg정도 됩니다. 한콘테이너에 23톤이며,현재 남아공에서 ...
(주)광영   한국     

SLO (Squid Liver Oil)

Squid Liver Oil is extracted and purified from processed fresh squid liver. As it contains excellently configured fatty acid and with its unique squid smell helps to improve the functionality as attractant. Since Squid ...
Dongwoo Industrial Co., Ltd   한국     

Squid Liver Paste

Squid Liver Paste contains high percentage of water soluble proteins and witamins produced by freshly extracted and concentrated from processed by-products of fresh squid. Using high-temperature vacuum system, we ...
Dongwoo Industrial Co., Ltd   한국     
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