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필로스주식회사 (한국) 회사에서 2554개의 상품을 찾았습니다. (1681~1700 / 총 2554 건)   
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Rosephil for Normal Skin type

Rosephil for Normal Skin type

Rosephil Skin Toner Rosephil Skin Toner removes impurities. Rose water and New Zealand pine polyphenol (Pat. Pending 10-2008-0089412) in the formula leave your face moisturized and refreshed. Rosephil Skin Emulsion ...
shanail eco antibacterial nail care clipper

shanail eco antibacterial nail care clipper

Under the basic concept of 'harmony between the antique and the eco antibacterial ',shanail is dedicating the best effort to create more valuable and beautiful cultural products of ...


Under the basic concept of 'harmony between the antique and the eco antibacterial ',shanail is dedicating the best effort to create more valuable and beautiful cultural products of ...
무니켈,무크롬, 친환경 세계최초 특허 제품

무니켈,무크롬, 친환경 세계최초 특허 제품

www.shanail.co.kr 031-206-8450 세계 최초 특허 제품입니다. 항균 및 살균 기능을 갖는 무니켈,무크롬 친환경 ...
shanail nailcare

shanail nailcare

www.shanail.co.kr 031-206-8450 친환경 네일케어 제조업체입니다. ...


www.shanail.co.kr 친환경 네일케어세트입니다. 제조사 : 샤네일 031-206-8450 ...
반신욕 사우나

반신욕 사우나

원적외선을 발생시키는 히터가 내장 되어 있으며 원목, 음이온,황토,은나노성분,이동바퀴,목받침 ...
DIO toothpaste

DIO toothpaste

DIOtoothpaste has been developed to a functional toothpaste containing HAp (Hydroxyapatite) as an active ingredient. Its outstanding functions (prevention of coldness for sensitive tooth, re-enameling on the tooth ...
External Ventricular Drainage

External Ventricular Drainage

Features Handy instrument that can be carried in a gown pocket, Possible to process EVD (External Ventricular Drainage) within 3 minutes, low risk of bacillosis Applied Fields Processing EVD, measure cerebral ...
Osteoporosis Controlled Needle

Osteoporosis Controlled Needle

Features Minimally invasive procedure to treat compression fracture from osteoporosis, tumors and trauma. Applied Fields Compression Fractures from osteoporosis, tumors and ...
Percutaneous Vertebralplasty Needle

Percutaneous Vertebralplasty Needle

Features Stabel bone cement injection needle with analgesic effect and antitumor effect. Applied Fields Compression fracture, Inoperable metastatic spinal tumors, multiple osteoporotic vertebral hemangioma, and ...


PNO � This is a minimally invasive procedure to treat compression fracture from osteoporosis, tumors and trauma. Osteoporosis Spine Tumor Compression Fracture Special Features 3 step cement injections make easy to ...
Cervical Cages

Cervical Cages

Features Implant cage for interbody fusion by using an anterior approach and cervical laminectomy with rounded top feature for better contact with bone after implantation Applied Fields Intervertebral disc prolapse, ...


OPTIMUM-S � Indication Pathological fracture of vertebral body due to osteoporosis, cancer, or being lesions using vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty procedures Special features Medium viscosity Ideal setting ...


PolyBone � Kyungwon Medical is proud to introduce the revolutionary bone substitute, PolyBone.6 years research and experiment made the best solution for variety of surgeries. PolyBone is the revolutionary bone ...
Lumbar Cage

Lumbar Cage

Features (round type) Cylindrical shape expands in disk space and sides become flat, external surface ridges stabilize setting and provide a strong bone anchor Applied Fields (round & rectangular) Instable lumbar ...
Tyche(R) Pedicle Screw

Tyche(R) Pedicle Screw

Tyche� Pedicle Screw Indication Lumbar degenerative disease Spondylolisthesis Spine trauma Spine tumor Variety of Usage Mono type Poly type Cement injection ...
Tyche(R) Cervical Cage

Tyche(R) Cervical Cage

Tyche� Cervical Cage Assuring a secure seating of the implant Fenestrated implant Allowing good bony in-growth Flat implant form Presenting no stress raiser points Oblong form In accordance with the established ...


구형 이쑤시개보다는 효과적이고 능률적인 선진국형 이쑤시개입니다, 잇몸보호는 물론 치아와 치아 사이의 찌꺼기를 제거하여 충치 예방은 물론 이에서 나는 ...
치강용 부러쉬 헤드

치강용 부러쉬 헤드

치간솔은 옛날 이쑤시개 대용품입니다. 부드러운 솔로 세척합니다, 치과에서 권장하고 있는 품목임으로 앞으로 많은 소요가 ...
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