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인삼치약 (Ginseng Toothpaste)


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[판매] 인삼치약 (Ginseng Toothpaste)

인삼치약은... 인삼추출물이 함유되어 잇몸염증,치주질환 예방,잇몸수렴작용을 하고 항균과 구취제거에 효과가 있습니다. 또한 알란토인은 세포에 대해 강한 재생요과를 가져 잇몸등의 상처와 손실을 보수, 부활하는 역활과 함께 항염제로서의 기능을 갖춘 고급 기능성 치약입니다. By applying Ginseng extracts to toothpaste that has proven anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and carcinoclastic effects/efficacy. It helps gingivitis and lesion treatment and simultaneously protects against caries bacterium with high antimicrobial action Ginseng is called as "A miraculous medicine," "the elixir of Life" and improves biological modification function with the proper balance. Therefore it improves natural healing capability of oral and normalizes oral function by strengthening resistivity against possible disease caused by impaired metabolism and removing oral toxin. Key Ingredients: Colloid silica, Allantoin, Sorbitol, Ginseng extract, Ginseng aroma, Fluorophosphates (MFP) Benefits: Whitening effect, Preventing Gingivitis/Ulitis/Gingivitis disease, Gingival-astringent action, Remove Halitosis, Protecting dental decay and plaque deposition, oral cleanness and cleansing
연락처 정보
회사명 (주)그린원
주소 과천시 과천동 686-1 경기도 427-060 한국
전화번호 82-2-5048181
팩스번호 82-2-5047271
홈페이지 http://green1.kr.ec21.com
연락 한진우
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