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접이식 자전거


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[판매] 접이식 자전거

Folding- Bicycle This folding bike can be keeping in the small space like a car trunk and the height of handle and seat can be handle. The whole family ride joyfully. Also, we have all kinds of bicycle. We can offer reasonable price. @ Characteristics. -. Can be folded by 3step. -. Can be handled the height of handle and seat. -. Keeping in the small space like a car trunk.
연락처 정보
회사명 (주) 파워브레인
주소 서울 영등포구 신길동 417-21 150-055 한국
전화번호 82-2-8416721
팩스번호 82-2-8449638
홈페이지 http://tanja.kr.ec21.com
연락 조정래
Spec null
수량 null
가격 null
포장 null
유효기간 2001/06/30
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