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[판매] 유모차

1.Special three wheel design; 2.Swivel front wheel and rear wheel with brake; 3.Backrest with 3-position adjustment; 4.Easy fold and unfold system with safety lock; 5.Swivel front wheel control is mounted on the handle grip; 6. 5-point harness; 7.Front bumper bar with jumbo foot/ leg rest; 8.large and convenient shopping basket;
연락처 정보
주소 절강성 이우시 쵸주베루451호 국제무역중심602,710실 null 중국
전화번호 86-579-5427697
팩스번호 86-579-5427697
홈페이지 http://leehyun777.kr.ec21.com
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