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Daeyoung Wire


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[판매] Daeyoung Wire

Dear Sir/Madom We are DAEYOUNG WIRE company in Korea who manufactures the electric wire and cable. This is Hee-Chul Won.(charging overseas sales.) We have competitiveness several field, in particularly, the quality and price. Please compare our price with your buying price table. All of our products is applied with RoHS compliance, completely. Also we have many standards UL, CSA and ISO9001, ISO 14001,especially to get SONY GREEN PARTNERSHIP for environment control. If you have any interest and question or for more details, please contact me freely.
연락처 정보
회사명 대영배선
주소 경기도 부천시 오정구 삼정동 24-2 421-808 한국
전화번호 82-678-9521
팩스번호 82-678-9511
홈페이지 http://dywire.kr.ec21.com
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