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@ Fabrics,Yarn,Sewing, Textile Machine, Fashion Items


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[구매] @ Fabrics,Yarn,Sewing, Textile Machine, Fashion Items

@ International Textile Information, the most potential B2B website,have already classified above goods into 3,000 categories, not only assisting you in locating your future suppliers or business partners, but also up-to-date stocks or leftovers of such textile goods via 'open market',discount market' specifically designed', in our I,T,I website the privacies of such suppliers of stocks or leftovers are well preserved. @ You will acknowledge our website in being served in 7 major languages, at the same time, potential suppliers and buyers are welcome to register for the graded memberships to obtion heaps of outstanding services for your lucrative business, for example, you will be supported in your marketing activities by our existing experts of foreing trade,costing you lower than ever. @Enter and join I,T,I now for your prompt information. ------------------------------------------------------ @ We are ready to help you. --------------------------
연락처 정보
회사명 아이티아이 글로벌(주)
주소 서울시 강남구 역삼동751-6 135-080 한국
전화번호 82-3452-1476
팩스번호 82-3452-1497
홈페이지 http://itexinfo.kr.ec21.com
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